Thursday, February 15, 2007

Dividing up the Works

As promised, the map. The previously mentioned friend (the one drawing the map) is no content whit his work and is to be refered to as Angel.
And now, of to thurough explenatory descriptions..?
The world as is ?now? is shown above (click for high res.), hosting all of the further described.

Additionally as promised, ' will start whit the ever popular humans.
Divided by endless turmoil, as is apparently custom for humans, they are separated in to four grate fractions.

North, the tribes which are now the remains of a once mighty kingdom and know now only as the Nored, consist of true warriors who are proud as are pure, devoting their lives to streinght and honour. Lead by a single leader, a lord of sort, each tribe retains the culture and hierarchy inherit from their forefathers. All links to the flow of magic they receive from the few gifted sages, druids and shaman. Although a mage is occasionally found, but only amongst the ranks of the exiled, for the arcane arts are a forbidden path in ones life, as the worst of man's disasters are sprout of pure magic. Their home, recived by pact from the Dwarfs , lies around and above the Grate Gates, which mark the main entrance in to the Iron Forge.

West inhabits the industrial kingdom of Valeris which, whit ample resources, makes the most populated of the human fractions. Both hard working and thorough people, make them the richest as well. Almost any profession is organised in to a guild, this giving good grounds for their initial success. As for their overall disposition, they tend to make merchants of themselves seeking bounty in the world of trade, but knighthood is aspired by the adventures types, as by those seeking a life of servitude to their homeland. Amongst other thing they express the most ingenuity and skill, making them excellent engineers, as well as crafty users of magic expressed trough wizardry.

South are the fabled Heralds of Twilight of the Kingdoms of Endalla, knight champions pledging their lives to safeguard the Twilight Castle and all who dwell within its walls. Bearing the most sense in the abnormal, their culture and lives in general revolve around a complex hierarchy system topped by a council of mages lead by a sorcerer. People find sanctuary and peace inside the kingdom, for its laws demand certain perquisites for conduct by foreign authority. On the other hand being caught executing a crime, lets just say you'd better not be... Order, valor and virtue bears the creed of the kingdom.

And East harnesses the Safrim Empire, centered in a grate city, sprout in a harsh desert belonging to its more nomadic population. One of the first to have met the ancient ones. Beings of tales, and thought of fiction, until the grate sea was crossed, discovering a new land belonging to creatures not entirely human. Thus the most open minded of people tending to find merchandise in lands afar. Internal turmoil is of some concern for their emperor, being that the throne is considered only a blood rite, this causing dissatisfaction whit some generations of rulers. Due to the intense heat, most of their industries are light, and technology (mostly bought from the gnomes) steam based.

The grates flaw of them all is in the fact that they are human, and individuals tend to follow paths of their own, not regarding that which is presented by their homeland to the world.


I guess, that is good enough for defining the main characteristics of them all. Perhaps a more table arranged form, whit strictly defined numbers, would be more to the point than this. . . Nahh. Not my stile.
Next one will certainly be a small brake from all the innovations.


Vukotic Milos said...
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Vukotic Milos said...
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Vukotic Milos said...

Wow! I knew you'll do a good work! Way to go! i see this is getting better and better, i respect your and Ivan's creativity. Keep a good work old friend, you got my verbal support!

Oh! and sorry for the mess...I accidently earsed two of mine comments, but i guess everything's ok now.